Support - For employees, contractors or advisors: How do I accept my invitation as an advisor?

Diana Trujillo
Updated 19 March 2024
Go to your email inbox and click on "Accept invite":

Confirm your name, phone number and enter a password to create your account:

You'll receive a confirmation email to your inbox. Click on "Confirm account":

Now, click on "Let's get started" or scroll down:

Confirm your personal information:

Add your bio and upload a picture for your profile:

Click on "Next" and then click on "Review and sign" to review the information entered for your contract. Once you're ready, click on "Sign offer documents":

Scroll down on the next screen and expand each section to preview or download a draft of each document. You will sign all documents at once by clicking on the "Sign documents" button:

Type or draw your signature:

You're all set! Click on "Continue to dashboard":

The next steps to complete are:
Purchasing your shares:
You'll see a yellow banner at the top of your Dashboard. Click on "purchase shares":
Select payment method:
You'll see the amount to send from a personal bank account to the company account. The company's wire transfer information will be displayed for you to complete this. Click on "done" once completed:
Notify the company officers that you've purchased your shares so they can be on the lookout for the money to arrive to the company account. They'll need to mark your shares as paid from their account as soon as this is received.
Filing your 83(b) Election:
Once your payment has been marked as complete, an 83b election will be generated with the instructions to follow. Click on "See instructions" on your Dashboard:
Click on "Download 83(b) election form" and save it to your computer:
Fill the document with your SSN and sign it. Follow the attached instructions on the document to send out one of the copies to the IRS. Upload a copy to your Document Room and click on "complete filing":Once finished, you'll see no actions to complete on your Dashboard:
You are now able to see the cap table for more information on your grant, and your Document Room to review or download your signed paperwork:
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team through live chat or via email at
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