Support - Growing / Managing your team: How do I add a contractor?

Diana Trujillo
Updated 20 July 2022
Are you ready to start growing your team? If you want to hire a contractor, follow these steps.
If you wish to hire a full-time employee instead, please visit this article.
Step 1. Go to your Capbase Dashboard > Team > Employees & Contractors. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the button Add contractor.

Step 2. Fill out the name and email address of the contractor.

Step 3. Enter the job title, a 1-2 sentence description of the job, and start date of the contractor.

Step 4. Choose whether the contractor will be allowed to incur expenses for the company. Also select the type of compensation to be awarded: cash only, equity only, or a combination of cash and equity.

If cash is selected, you'll need to enter the amount to be paid, the frequency of payment, and the invoice payment terms.

If equity is selected, you'll need to enter the number of shares awarded and the vesting schedule details.

Step 5. If applicable, you can add conflicting agreements or list of prior inventions to the consulting agreement.

Step 6. Review the contract details and sign the generated documents. The contractor will receive an email from Capbase inviting them to create an account and sign the paperwork.

Once these documents are generated, you can't edit them. If the contractor has not accepted their invitation yet, you can still cancel the invitation and generate a new contract if needed.
To do this, go to your Capbase Dashboard > Team > Employees & Contractors. You'll see a yellow banner at the top of the page when you have a pending contractor invitation. Here, you'll click on Cancel.

Step 7. Once all the paperwork is fully executed, the contractor will be listed on the Employees & Contractors page and the signed paperwork will be located on your Document Room page.
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