Support - For investors: How do I confirm my investment as an investor?

Diana Trujillo
Updated 19 March 2024
Go to your email inbox and click on "View investment opportunity":

Confirm your name, phone number and enter a password to create your account:

You'll receive a confirmation email to your inbox. Click on "Confirm account":

Now, you'll see the following screen with 4 steps. The first step is to review the terms of the investment:

You are also able to see how the current cap table of the company will change after your investment:

You can click on "Download" to download a draft copy or preview the convertible instrument:

Once you're ready, click on "Confirm terms of investment":

The second step will be to confirm your contact information for signing the convertible instrument. You'll confirm if you're investing as an individual or out of an entity/fund. You'll also enter/confirm the Entity name, your title and your mailing address:

You can also add a custom signature block if needed. Finally, you'll confirm if you're an accredited investor, and click on "Confirm investment details":

The third step will require you to sign the documents, now with the details entered on the previous step:

You can still edit the Signature block if needed:

For the last step, you'll be able to download the finalized copy of the investment and receive wire instructions from the company to wire the money of the investment to the company. You'll add the wire confirmation number and click on "Done":

Once everything is completed, you'll be redirected to your investor dashboard:

On your Dashboard you'll see a summary of all of your investments, and your document room to access any signed documents:

You'll also see a section for Shareholder Updates. This will be updated as soon as the company sends out their first update:

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team through live chat or via email at
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