Support - Managing your company: How do I dissolve my C-Corp?

Diana Trujillo
Updated 19 August 2022
If your company will no longer be in operation, you may want to dissolve it to avoid paying taxes and filing annual reports. The steps to dissolve a C-Corp will vary depending on how much the company has accomplished since its formation. As a result, we do not currently handle dissolutions at a product level.
To learn about all of your options for dissolving your C-Corp, go to the Delaware Division of Corporations' Dissolutions and Cancellations page. The short form 275 ($10) will most likely suffice for your needs. You may, however, be required to file a Delaware franchise tax return (which should only cost around $400).
If you've registered as a foreign corporation in another state, you should cancel that as well.
We would need a copy of the stamped Delaware filing to process your subscription cancellation. This receipt will also be uploaded to your company's document room as proof that the company has been properly dissolved.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team through live chat or via email at
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