Support - Getting Started: How do I sign my 83(b) Election?

Diana Trujillo
Updated 12 July 2022
Did you issue your shares on a vesting schedule? If so, you will need to sign your 83(b) election letter to protect your investment in your company. Failing to do so could increase your future tax liability. You can learn more about 83(b) Elections here.
Capbase will be filing an 83b election for all founders who have a US taxpayer ID.
Once you've purchased your shares, please click on the “See details” button and confirm your taxpayer mailing address so you can receive a copy of the filed document. Then, you'll sign your 83(b) election and Capbase will file it with the IRS for you.
If applicable, a signature from your spouse will be needed as well.
If you invite employees, contractors, or advisors to your corporation and provide them with equity on a vesting schedule, be sure to inform them of their potential need to file their own 83(b) for their number of shares. This is discussed in more detail in this article.
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