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About This Episode:

Madeline talked to us about transitioning from a career in finance to founding her own company Revolt Electrics — an e-bikes startup back in 2021. We chat about how Madeline first started working on Begin Health, and what was her inspiration to explore the kid’s health industry. Madeline’s current venture Begin Health is focused on developing tools to support young children’s digestive health by providing better nutritional supplements.

Madeline discusses the process she went through to find the first customers for Begin Health, and a shift in consumer mindset when it comes to science and products. We also chat about how Madeline went about raising money from investors, how being a repeat founder influenced the whole process, and what really helped her at this stage.

Madeline sums up with some words of advice to first-time founders — never ever give up, and take strength from knowing that you’re doing something that is greater than you.

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